I can confidently say that I have been consistent with my training in the past few months. Even with work and family travel, I planned accordingly and got it done. It helps to a) communicate your schedule to your coach in advance and b) have a coach who is flexible and gives workouts that meet you where you are, setting you up for success.
What has not been consistent, and what I have little control over, is how my body reacts to each workout. I still get a hard ball of anxiety in my gut as I get ready to do the work every day. I completely took for granted all those years of going out the door and running without thought or concern for if something would hurt or if I would have to cut it short and come back home. What a gift that was. Now I celebrate every time I complete a workout as scheduled and am experiencing a tolerable level of discomfort. A far cry from care free.
With that in mind, here is how last week shook out:
Monday Scheduled: rest and 3 sets of strength
Monday Actual: easy spin to loosen up and 3 sets of strength
Tuesday Scheduled: regular warmup, EZ 3 mile run, hip strength
Tuesday Actual: PT appointment, regular warmup, 3 mile run, hip strength
Notes: the run was speedier than it should have been, incorporating run mechanic adjustments from PT kicked up the pace a little but nothing crazy.
Wednesday Scheduled: regular warmup, EZ 1, 4x1200 w 400 recovery, EZ1
Wednesday Actual: regular warmup, EZ 1, 4x1200 w 400 recovery, EZ1
Notes: worked until 9 pm, so this became a treadmill speed workout. OUCH.
Thursday Scheduled: regular warmup, EZ 2 + MOD 3 run
Thursday Actual: regular warmup, EZ 2 + MOD 2.35 run
Notes: to avoid the treadmill I squeezed this in after job 1 and made it my commute to job 2. cut short so that I wasn't late. sigh.
Friday Scheduled: optional EZ spin, 3 sets of strength
Friday Actual: EZ spin, 3 sets of strength
Saturday Scheduled: regular warmup, EZ 3 mile run, drills
Saturday Actual: regular warmup, EZ 3.2 run with my family
Notes: legit forget about the drills. just totally spaced.
morning trail run with my man and my parents
Sunday Scheduled: regular warmup, EZ 10 mile run, 3 sets of strength
Sunday Actual: regular warmup, "EZ" 10 mile run (holy crap this time I made it)
Notes: shortly after coming home from the run a headache set in and I was down for the count through this morning.
daddy's chocolate pancakes. obviously the best recovery food.
Mileage total: 27 miles (planned) 26.55 (actual) BAM.
Looking forward to my monthly massage tomorrow and another PT appt. So far these cues for my mechanics seem to be working but it will be a long time before they translate into muscle memory. I need to keep doing all the strength and recovery pieces, as they continue to be clutch.
How did your training go? What worked? What didn't? What is one thing you are looking forward to this week?