As noted in a previous post, I am incorporating Nicole Antoinette's Monthly Review into my process. Reflecting on how March went, including the intentions I set, and looking forward to April. If you have the time, I strongly suggest you try it at the end of this month.
On paper, March looked easy. In reality, very little got done. I think I did my intention justice (do the next right thing). My schedule was so hectic, the only way to avoid being overwhelmed was to focus on the moment I was in. I did a better job on nutrition, rest, and training with that mindset. I also said I would aim to read every day for 30 minutes (blogs don't count) and there were few, if any, days that I missed.
I won't subject you to everything I'm including for April, but here are some highlights.
Two things I'm most proud of from March:
1. Logging 94.6 running miles
2. Getting promoted at work
Strong day at the Reston 10 Miler on the way to some great mileage for March
Two things I'm most grateful for from March:
1. An employer that supports and encourages work-life balance
2. My adorable, mischievous, too smart for his own damn good nephew
The lesson I learned and am carrying forward with me from March is:
1. Don't be afraid to articulate your priorities to others and defend them in order to take care of yourself
My intention for April is:
Explore my faith
Because I am brave, here are two new/scary things I will do in April:
1. Show up to the starting line on April 24
2. Nunya
EEK. So soon.
It took me 10 days into the month to finish this post because I really struggled on some of these sections. It bothered the crap out of me that I couldn't think of things that I am grateful for. How terrible does that sound? I could not look back through the month and think of something that stood out as something I should be really for. Wow, what kind of a jerk am I? Writing things like "my family" or "my boyfriend" seemed too easy. Or lacking deep thought. But there are so many people who do not have strong relationships with family or a significant other. I am looking enough that I could say both of those things 365 days a year.
So, there you go. Have you set any goals for the month or are bringing forward lessons from March?