Yeah, I know. This is late. And I owe you another week after this. And I raced Big Sur. I'm getting there, I promise.
Monday Scheduled: easy 5 miles, core
Monday Actual: less than easy 5 miles, core
Tuesday Scheduled: rest, strength
Tuesday Actual: easy spin, strength
Wednesday Scheduled: easy mile warmup, 5x1200 hard w 400 recovery, easy mile cooldown. hip strength
Wednesday Actual: as scheduled.
Notes: 1200s and 1600s are my least favorite track reps but I was pleased with how strong I felt and it showed in the splits.
When your jam is the first song you hear after you crush your workout
Thursday Scheduled: rest, strength
Thursday Actual: rest, strength
Friday Scheduled: easy 3 miles, core
Friday Actual: easy 3 miles, core
Miles for Boston
Saturday Scheduled: easy 12 miles with a 1:00 minute stride each mile
Saturday Actual: 10 miles, 3 strides
Notes: crap run. nothing specifically wrong/hurting, possible dehydration.
At least the scenery was nice...
Sunday Planned: rest, strength
Sunday Actual: rest, strength
Mileage total: 27 (planned) 24.4 (actual)
As I am writing this well after the fact, I guess I will say that this week was unremarkable. I was a little short on the mileage but not in a problematic way. With the race now being a week out, I am telling myself that the bad workouts are just kinks working themselves out now so I will be strong come race day. I nerded out and made an epic packing list for the trip, but travelling for races is tricky business. Am I the only one who makes packing lists? For all travel? Yes? Oh, ok.